Asociación Argentina de Investigadores en Historia (AsAIH) |
Historians Association of Armenia |
Verband Österreichischer Historiker und Geschichtsvereine |
Comité national belge des sciences historiques |
Associação Nacional de História (ANPUH) |
Canadian Historical Association (CHA) | Société historique du Canada (SHC) |
Association of Chinese Historians |
Asociación Colombiana de Historiadores |
Croatian National Committee of Historical Sciences HNOPZ |
Czech National Committee of Historians |
Danish Historical Association |
Comité national des historiens finlandais/Finnish Historical Society (Suomen Historiallinen Seura) |
Comité français des Sciences Historiques |
National Committee of Georgian Historians |
Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands |
British National Committee |
Association des Historiens Grecs |
Association des Historiens de Guinée |
Institute of History at the Research Centre for the Humanities |
Landsnefnd sagnfraedinga |
Indian Council of Historical Research |
Irish Committee of Historical Sciences |
Historical Society of Israel |
Giunta Centrale per gli studi storici |
Japananese National Committee |
Association of Kazakhstan Historians |
Korean National Committee of Historical Sciences |
Latvian National Committee of Historical Sciences |
Comité national des Historiens de Lituanie |
Section historique de l’Institut grand-ducal |
Information of CMCH for International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS) |
Association Marocaine pour la Recherche Historique |
Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap |
The Norwegian Historical Association (HIFO) |
Comité Paraguayo de Ciencias Históricas (CPCH) |
Comité Peruano de Ciencias Históricas |
The Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk PAN | Committee for Historical Sciences of the PAS | Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN |
Academia Portuguesa da História |
Comitetul National al Istoricilor din România |
Comité National des Historiens auprès de l’Académie des Sciences de la Russie |
Association des historiens du Sénégal |
Serbian National Committee of Historical Sciences |
Slovak National Committee of Historians |
Comité National Slovène des Sciences Historiques |
Comité Español de Ciencias Históricas (CECH) |
Svenska Historiska Föreningen |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte (SGG) | Société suisse d'histoire (SSH) | Società svizzera di storia (SSS) | Swiss Society for History (SSH) |
Tunisia |
Turkish Historical Society | Türk Tarih Kurumu |
Ukrainian National Committee of Historians |
American Historical Association (AHA) |
Asociación Uruguaya de Historiadores (Audhi) |
Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche |
Association des sciences historiques du Vietnam (ASHV) |