
ICHS/CISH is composed of national and international organizations of historians, and aims to promote historical sciences worldwide. The procedure for becoming a member is stated in the ICHS Constitution under Article 2 and 4:  

“[…] Admission to the International Committee of Historical Sciences within either category shall be decided by the General Assembly, upon proposal of the Board, in accordance with the procedures indicated in article 4 below. Requests for membership must be received by the Board six months before the date of its annual meeting. ” (Art. 2, ICHS Constitution) 

Each National Committee and each International Affiliated Organization shall be represented at General Assemblies of the ichs by a delegate — who may be accompanied by a substitute — and is allowed one vote. National Committees and International Affiliated Organizations have equal standing in all votes. A quorum of the Assembly shall consist of the delegates — or their substitutes — from a least one third of the members of the ichs. 

Votes on the admission of new members, on the exclusion of members of the ichs, and on constitutional amendments shall require a two-thirds majority. […]” (Art. 4, ICHS Constitution) 

National and international organizations of historians which would like to apply for membership should contact the President, Catherine Horel (, the Secretary General, Edoardo Tortarolo ( and the Treasurer, Sacha Zala (  

Membership Fees 

Fees are determined by the general assembly. Membership fees are regulated according to Article 6 of the constitution: “Every National Committee or International Affiliated Organization shall pay annual dues determined by the General Assembly. The amount shall be the same for all National Committees. It shall also be the same for all International Affiliated Organizations but lower than that paid by the National Committees. […]” (Art. 6, ICHS Constitution)  

Art. 7. regulates withdrawals and exclusions:Every National Committee or International Affiliated Organization that has not paid its dues for three years shall lose its right to vote. After five years, that National Committee or International Affiliated Organization shall be deemed to have withdrawn de facto. […]” (Art. 7, ICSH Constitution)  

In accordance with the creation of the solidarity fund, members pay a solidarity contribution for colleagues from countries in economic difficulty in order to enable them to participate in the ICHS congresses.  

Current breakdown of costs, in accordance with the general assembly’s decision of May 11, 2021: 

National organizations 

  • annual contribution 600.00 
  • contribution for the CISH/ICSH solidarity fund 200.00  
  • total in Swiss Francs CHF 800.00  

International organizations 

  • annual contribution 450.00 
  • contribution for the CISH/ICSH solidarity fund 200.00  
  • total in Swiss Francs CHF 650.00  

The contribution to the CISH/ICSH solidarity fund is voluntary. 

The Treasurer sends out the invoices to the members annually. Contributions are to be paid in Swiss francs or in its equivalent in a foreign currency after having received the official CISH/ICSH invoice. In case of questions or other difficulties, members are encouraged to contact the Treasurer: